Happy New Year to you all!

2025 has started well and I am hopeful it will be a good year, albeit with some challenges along the way, no doubt! Here’s just a brief note with a couple of highlights for you to consider.


On 5th January (officially Twelfth Night, not Epiphany, but close enough), we held a special service in the church. It was dark outside at 4pm, so it was wonderful to see the candles lit again, showing off our beautiful building amidst the creative floral presentations that had been prepared before Christmas. Our thanks to everyone who was involved in decorating the church for the festive season.

A congregation, gathered from all three villages of the benefice, sang traditional Epiphany Carols and were led in a new Christmas/Epiphany hymn which was well received, too. (New being 20 years old rather than 120 years old.) The children carefully placed the Wise Men in the crib while parents watched on nervously lest tiny hands were to drop the fragile models (they didn’t). We learned about the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh given to Jesus and we heard about some of the special gifts that congregation members had received at Christmas, including a battery-powered chainsaw and car which transforms into a dinosaur (what will they think of next?!). Above all, we heard about the most precious gift of all – the Lord Jesus himself – given by a loving God to the whole world. With home-made cakes as part of the refreshments and the opportunity to meet and greet friends, this was a delightful way to spend a dark and cold Sunday afternoon. We look forward to the next special service and hope many more will join us.

Building Project

We are hopeful that by the time 2025 is over, our project to adapt the vestry and tower and to re-order the west end of the church will be complete. It is such an exciting project and so important for the future of the church and community. Our Community Lunches and Widford Talks events already started will be greatly enhanced by the new facility, and we will also be able to host more concerts and other events, as well as having a more flexible and comfortable space for a wide range of community activities. There’s a new page on our website, here, which will contain progress reports so that interested parties can keep up to date with what’s happening. We will also soon be publishing a new events programme (including dates for lunches and talks). Do sign up here to be kept in the loop. An important date for your diary is Saturday 22nd February (2pm), when Widford’s own Mitchell Farquharson will be coming home and putting on an organ recital in the church to raise funds for this project. Tickets will be on sale shortly.

Finally, do spare a thought (and a prayer if you will) for those who are pursuing the plans and raising funds – it’s hard work, and we are extremely grateful to them.

Other Matters

At the start of the New Year, a lot of people determine to make changes in their lives or to take up new activities. Perhaps now is a good time for you to reflect on life, its meaning and where true hope can be found. I plan to host a three-session discussion series called “Hope Explored” beginning at the end of January. If you are interested in joining, please drop me a line.

As I write, I have just heard that the Bishop of St Albans has announced his retirement (he will retire on 31st May). This is unlikely to have any noticeable impact on Widford Church in the short term, but the process of finding his replacement will involve the giving of time and energy from a lot of people across the diocese. From May onwards, I expect, as Rural Dean, to be called upon to carry some additional burdens (usually carried by those more senior to me while they carry burdens usually carried by those more senior to them – including some of the Diocesan Bishop’s responsibilities in his absence).

With a new Archbishop to be found and a new Diocesan Bishop to be found, a building project to undertake and a string of new special events to enjoy, 2025 is going to be an interesting year for Widford Church.

Yours, in the service of Christ
Mark Dunstan

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

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