Widford, Herts, St John the Baptist (GF), 6, 7-0-25 in Ab Major Mon 19h45 TL413158
An introduction to Widfords bells
The bells of St John the Baptist Widford are a matter of parochial and civic pride. They are rung as often as possible for major services, weddings and national events. Occasionally, they are rung at funerals (usually half muffled). The peal comprises a relatively light ground floor ring of six tuned in Ab Major.
Bell | Imp. Weight | Note | Date | Founder |
Tenor | 7-0-25 | Ab | 1624 | Robert Oldfield Hertford |
5th | 6-1-20 | Bb | 14/15th C | Unknown poss. Widford |
4th | 5-0-23 | C | 1624 | Robert Oldfield Hertford |
3rd | 5-1-00 | Db | 1869 | Taylor & Co Loughborough |
2nd | 4-0-10 | Eb | 1890 | Mears & Stainbank Whitechapel |
Treble | 4-0-05 | F | 1985 | Whitechapel |
The local band comprise a growing number of local novice Widfordians augmented and developed by the support of local towers, most notably Hunsdon, Great Amwell, Ware and Bishop’s Stortford.

Practice usually takes place on Monday evenings at 19h45 and experienced ringers who can stand a bell and plain hunt are welcomed. We ask that you contact the Tower Captain in advance. Opportunities are also available to novices, see below.
What is bell ringing
Bell ringing or “the exercise” as it is known is a peculiarly English tradition. It is the only bell tradition where large heavy bells are swung through 360 degrees of attitude affording the opportunity for a ringer to manually accelerate, decelerate or check the bell or essentially balance the bell so that under control it can be used to facilitate ringing in a method what is ostensibly a tune.
Novices and learning to ring
Novices and new ringers are particularly encouraged. Open days to “try a bell” or attract new members are advertised once or twice a year. Please do come along if interested. However, you are more than welcome to contact the Tower Captain to see what is involved and arrange a bespoke bell handling session. As novices develop their skills though bell handling they are introduced to the usual Monday evening practice sessions.

As a matter of policy children or vulnerable adults unaccompanied by either a parent, guardian or responsible adult will not be able ring or receive tuition in the ringing chamber unless at least three other adults (including at least one Parish and Diocesan Safeguarding qualified tutor) are present at all times.
Visiting Bands
Visiting bands and guilds are encouraged to come and “bag our tower” of forgiving bells by appointment only. Smooth in hand and light to touch, our peal of six flatters even the most novice ringers. Please note we are a ground floor ring without an indoor WC. Arrangements should be made with the Tower Captain who will consult the parish diary, confirm availability, make your booking, and arrange a briefing and welcome. Contact him here.
Bell history
As you may have concluded from the dates in the table above, bells have been used in Widford to communicate and reinforce Christian rubrics for about 600 years or 25 generation of Widfordians. There is more information about the history of our bells on our dedicated history website at this link.