It was one of the hottest days of the year, but very pleasant in the shade and inside the cool church for this special event in the church grounds. There were lunches, teas, coffee, cake, Pimm’s and much more to be enjoyed, stalls to browse overlooking the Ash Valley, and face-painting, duck-catching and other amusements for the children. Handbells were rung by a shortened team inside the church at 2pm and at 4pm the new tower bell ropes and sallies were dedicated in a brief service and all six bells rang out in celebration.

As with many of Widford’s community events, it was wonderful to see people of all ages gathering together, and it was very special not only to be able to welcome and make the acquaintance of new villagers for the first time, but also to provide the opportunity for families who have been in the village a little longer to meet one another for the first time.

Thanks go to all involved for organising such a delightful day, overseeing provisions, giving tours and ringing bells (including those who set up the day before and cleared up the day after!).

Thanks to GD, whose article in the Village Magazine has been extensively plagiarised for this post.
Photo: Open Church by Mark Dunstan.

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