Following the success of the Open Day / Autumn Fair in September and the inaugural “Widford Talks” event in October (report here), Kerry Holt and her team brought us a Community Lunch in November.

The food was delicious and hot, and catered for both meat-eaters and vegetarians, and what a joy it was to sit in comfort with friends and neighbours in a church decorated for Remembrance Day – a wonderful cornucopia of poppies, leaves and seed heads.
Over thirty lunches were served. Friends were simply asked to give what they could afford, and a profit of £190 was donated to church funds. Only two days earlier, I attended Michael McAdam’s funeral at St Andrew’s Church, Much Hadham, where the caterers there were busy setting out the “funereal feast” of tea, coffee, wine and food within the church itself, and where once again we were able to share food and memories in the company of our friends and neighbours. It would seem we are not the only village combining our religious and secular requirements to the benefit of all.
Eyes and ears open now to catch mention of the next Community Event at our glorious village church, as we bid a warm welcome to 2024.*
Frances Luck
This is an edited and abbreviated version of an article which appears in the Widford Magazine.
*Before 2023 is out, we have Carols by Candlelight (Sunday 17th at 6:30pm in church), Carols on the Green (Friday 22nd at 7:30pm with the Salvation Army Band) and our Christmas Day Celebration (10:30am in church). All are welcome!